Examples of Japanese Rock and Bands within the “Visual Kei” Sphere in question to The Glam Influence

Ok this is a pure media post – or mostly pure media, i’ll be posting examples of bands in question to the Glam Rock, Metal and Alternative Scenes that many books i’ve looked through and read through have explained. After each one i’ll make a quick explanation of what i mean, and so on and so forth.

(Aka: I’m getting extreeeeeeme exhaustion from working on this almost non stop over the weekend. It’s a student thing, only my lecturers would understand – We all make sure we do these at the last minute so the day they’re do we’re groggily walking in to turn it in and because of that we’re so slow that we have snail like reflexes… and only get it in 10 seconds before the time’s up.)

Onward Jrock Researchers! TO THE MEDIA!

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