With the looming deadline of my Japanese Popular Music essay on September the 21st, i bring you the related PROJECT end of it “The Blog.” – Originally considered using a popular format of presentation, but the assumption is that a written presentation would suit better as it is one of my larger strengths.

This is a non confrontational, research and resource blog – I will be continuing to use this as a means of research as some day i wish to possibly publish my findings and get to the “real truth” on this.

And yes, from a fan’s perspective that is hard because i must be very objective, subjective and detailed.  Not only that but i have to find resources that match my opinions and see if my opinions and theories are correct.  That’s never easy in this sort of field, and most of the time the research is done by people who have knowledge and respect, but sometimes fall into the category of “missing the point”.

My official point is to prove that Japanese Rock and Japanese popular music is highly adaptive, original yet highly changing.  A lot of the music has traditional yet modern elements, and very well so sometimes it isn’t even adapted from outside sources.

That being said … i really should finish the essay before making more “posts” here 🙂